Even though Jesus won dominion of the earth at the cross, He has
not yet taken dominion.
Satan still has control over the earth that he took in the Garden.
(Genesis 1:28, Luke 4:6 NASB)
After the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden, two things were lost:
Our right to be children of God and dominion over the earth.
Jesus' death on the cross immediately restored the right to be called children of God for all who would place their faith in Him.
But though Jesus won dominion of the earth back on the cross, He has yet to take legal possession.
This adapted Nelson Walter's video explains:
Adapted from Nelson Walters YouTube channel "The Prophecy Satan Feared and Tried to Stop"
Click Here to Watch Complete Video
copyright: Nelson Walters
Restoring dominion of the earth is only accomplished upon opening the seven seals of Revelation, which is the title deed to earth.
Jesus is coming to earth in the end times to implement His victory on the cross, take dominion of the earth, and swallow up death.
(1 Corinthians 15:26)
God has been patiently waiting for two thousand years for people to repent and be saved.
(2 Peter 3:8-9)
(For more explanation of the 2000 year delay of Jesus, Click Here )
But after 2 days, the time has come for the Lord to open the seven-seal title deed of Revelation.
And this 2 day delay fulfills scripture.
Scripture prophesies that Jesus will return after 2 days (2 thousand years):
"After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him."
--- Hosea 6:2
The scroll in Revelation gives Jesus legal control of the earth, finalizing His victory and allowing Jesus to take possession.
This scroll is a legal document, a last will and testament requiring seven seals, and can be opened only by a qualified person to implement the title deed of redemption for planet Earth.
The opening of the first seal of the scroll in Revelation begins the legal transfer of power from Satan to the Lord Jesus Christ.
And the opening of this scroll not only allows Jesus to legally take possession of the earth but also fulfills the Abrahamic covenant.
(Genesis 12:1–3, Genesis 15:1-21)
Most people today do not understand that at the time of Jesus, ALL title deeds of inheritance
were scrolls with seven seals.
The scroll with seven seals in Revelation is the title deed to earth which finalizes Jesus
taking dominion of earth.
Jesus cannot complete His victory on the cross until the will of inheritance, the title
deed to earth is opened. That is why John cries when no one is found worthy to open the scroll.
(Revelation 5:4)
Jesus does not take dominion of the earth and begins to reign until all seven seals on the scroll, which is the title deed of inheritance of the earth, are opened.
The reign of Jesus begins after the seventh seal and is announced by an angel in the book of Revelation:
"Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices shouting in heaven: The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever."
--- Revelation 11:15 NLT
This is a core understanding.
This adapted Nelson Walter's video explains:
Adapted from Nelson Walters YouTube channel "What Happens When Revelation’s 7-Sealed Scroll Opens? Why Does Heaven Go SILENT?"
Click Here to Watch Complete Video
copyright: Nelson Walters
But as Jesus opens each seal of the title deed (the seven seals of Revelation) to take dominion of the earth, Satan stirs up deceit, conflict, destruction, and turmoil in response to each opened seal using false prophets, false messiahs, economic collapse, and even AI technology.
The opening of the seals and what happens in response to the seals opening are different events!
Jesus opens the seals, but Satan, in his anger, causes a response to each seal opening because Satan does not want the seals opened.
This is a core understanding.
After the seven seals are opened, there is "silence in heaven":
"When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour."
--- Revelation 8:1
And then, God sends His wrath upon the earth.